Diego Misseroni Bio sketch

Diego Misseroni is a Professor of Aerospace Structures at the University of Trento, Italy. In 2014, he held the position of Marie Curie experienced researcher at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK. In 2023, he was a Fulbright Visiting Scientist at the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University, US, and in 2025 he is a Westlake Distinguished Fellow at the School of Engineering, Westlake University, CH.

Dr. Misseroni has received several awards, including the 2025 SES Young Investigator Medal, the 2024 ASME Young Investigator Award, an ERC Consolidator Grant, the 2022 EML Young Investigator Award, a Fulbright Fellowship – Research Scholar Award, a Westlake Distinguished Fellowship, the 2022 Zwick Roell Science Award, the 2022 Paul Roell Medal, and the AIMETA Junior Prize in 2017. He was the recipient of the 2018 and 2023 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award (by the University of Trento). His scientific results have been featured on 11 covers of International Journals (1 Adv. Mater., 1 Adv. Sci., 2 Mater. Today, 1 Extreme Mech. Lett., 6 Proc. R. Soc. A).

Research interest

Our research interests are in the field of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures and include:

  • Architected materials
  • Metamaterials and origami engineering
  • Buckling and instabilities of structures undergoing large deformations and subjected to “dead” and “live” loading
  • Fracture mechanics and contact mechanics.

Short CV

Track record

Academic positions

Professor (Full)

Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy

Postdoctoral fellow

Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy

Marie Curie Experienced Research Associate

University of Liverpool, UK


Research awards & achievements
2025 SES Huajian Gao Young Investigator Medal

Society of Engineering Science, USA

Westlake Distinguished Fellowship

Westlake Fellows Program, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China

2024 Thomas J. R. Hughes (ASME) Young Investigator Award

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA

2022 Zwick Roell Science Award

ZwickRoell, Germany

2022 Paul Roell Medal

ZwickRoell, Germany

2022 ERC Consolidator Grant

European Research Council

2022 EML Young Investigator Award

Extreme Mechanics Letters Team - Elsevier

FULBRIGHT Fellowship - Research Scholar Award @ Princeton University

The US - Italy Fulbright Commission

AIMETA Junior Prize in Solid and Structural Mechanics

Salerno (Italy)

Best Paper Award

AIDDA XXVII International Congress 2023, Padova, Italy

Award of Best Video in Gallery of Nonlinear Dynamics

IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear dynamics, Tsukuba, Japan

Trentino Research Award - Young Researchers

PAT – Italy

Teaching awards
2023 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award

University of Trento, Italy

2018 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award

University of Trento, Italy

Research results featured on the cover of International Journals

The article “Functionally-graded serrated fangs allow spiders to mechanically cut silk, carbon and Kevlar fibres” made the cover of the Advanced Science journal

The article “Flutter instability in solids and structures, with a view on biomechanics and metamaterials” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The article “3D printed architected lattice structures by material jetting” made the cover of the Materials Today journal.

The article “Triclinic Metamaterials by Tristable Origami with Reprogrammable Frustration” made the frontispiece of the Advanced Materials journal.

The article “Experimental realization of tunable Poisson’s ratio in deployable origami metamaterials” made the cover of the Extreme Mechanics Letters journal.

The article “Electrically powered reversible air explosions using microtubular graphene assemblies” made the cover of the Materials Today journal.

The article “Micro-structured medium with large isotropic negative thermal expansion” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The article “Omnidirectional flexural invisibility of multiple interacting voids in vibrating elastic plates” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The article “From the elastica compass to the elastica catapult: an essay on the mechanics of soft robot arm” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The article “Torsional locomotion” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The article “An elastica arm scale” made the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

Research grants


SUBBIMATT -Sustainable, Biobased and Bio-Inspired Materials for Smart Technical Textiles. Role: Research Unit Coordinator. Unit Funding: 513 k€. Total funding: 7.37 M€.

2022 ERC Consolidator Grant

Title of the project: Self-Foldable Origami-Architected Metamaterials. Role: Principal Investigator. Total funding: 1.93 M€.

Fulbright - Research fellowship

Title of the project: Topological Morphing of Frustrated Metamaterials. Role: Principal Investigator. Total funding: 11 k€.


Title of the project: Unmasked. Role: Unit coordinator. Total funding: 58 k€.

UNITN Starting Grant Young Researchers 2019

Title of the project: The design and manufacture of bio-inspired ceramics using the microstructure of wood as a template. Role: Principal Investigator. Total funding: 13.3 k€.


Westlake Distinguished Fellow, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China

Host: Prof. Hanqing Jiang

Fulbright Research Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA

Host: Prof. Glaucio H. Paulino

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Host: Prof. Glaucio H. Paulino

IMT, School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy

Host: Prof. Marco Paggi

Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Material engineering, Cagliari, Italy

Host: Prof. Michele Brun

Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Division, University of Liverpool

Host: Prof. Alexander B. Movchan


PhD Degree in “Engineering of Civil and Mechanical Structural Systems

University of Trento, Italy

Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering - Structures, Full-Honors Degree

University of Trento, Italy