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Research articles
McInerney J., Misseroni D., Paulino G., Rocklin D. Z., and Mao, X. (2025). Coarse-Grained Fundamental Forms for Characterizing Isometries of Trapezoid-based Origami Metamaterials, Nature Communications, in press.
Misseroni D., Pratapa P.P., Liu K., Kresling B., Chen Y., Daraio C., Paulino G.H. (2024). Origami Engineering, Nature Review Methods Primer, 4(1) 40.
Fortunati A., Misseroni D., Bacigalupo A. (2024) Spectro-hierarchical homogenization scheme for elasto-dynamic problems in periodic Cauchy materials, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 132, 366-383.
Jalali S.K., Beigrezaee M.J., Misseroni D., and Pugno N.M. (2024). A modified Gibson-Ashby model for functionally graded lattice structures, Mechanics of Materials, 104822.
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Kirillov N.K., Misseroni D., Noselli G., and Piccolroaz A. (2023). Flutter instability in solids and structures, with a view on biomechanics and metamaterials, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479, 20230523.
Koutsogiannakis P., Misseroni D., Bigoni D., and Dal Corso F. (2023). Stabilization against gravity and self-tuning of an elastic variable-length rod through an oscillating sliding sleeve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105452.
Horst F., Beyreuther E., Bodenstein E., Gantz S., Misseroni D., Pugno, N.M. Schuy C., Tommasino F., Weber U., and Pawelke J. (2023). Passive SOBP generation from a static proton pencil beam using 3D-printed range modulators for FLASH experiments, Frontiers in Physics, 11, 1213779.
Liu K., Pratapa P.P., Misseroni D., Tachi T., and Paulino H.G. (2022). Triclinic metamaterials by tristable origami with reprogrammable frustration, Advanced Materials, 34(43), 2107998.
Mora S.H., Pugno N.P., and Misseroni D. (2022). 3D printed architected lattice structures by material jetting, Materials Today, 59, 107-132.
Misseroni D., Pratapa P.P., Liu K., and Paulino G.H. (2022). Experimental realization of tunable Poisson’s ratio in deployable origami metamaterials, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 53, 101685.
Cavuoto R., Lenarda P., Misseroni D., Paggi M., and Bigoni D. (2022). Failure through crack propagation in components with holes and notches: an experimental assessment of the phase field model, International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press.
Liprandi D., Misseroni D., Bosia F., Fraldi M., and Pugno N.M. (2022). A Griffith 3D peeling model to generalize Kendall and double peeling theories, Meccanica, 57, 1125-1138.
Morvaridi M., Carta G., Bosia F., Gliozzi A.S., Pugno N.M., Misseroni D., and Brun M. (2021). Hierarchical auxetic and isotropic porous medium with extremely negative Poisson’s ratio, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 48, 101405.
Kherraz N., Radienski M., Mazzotti M., Kudela P., Bosia F., Gliozzi A., Misseroni D., Pugno N.M., Ostachowicz W., and Miniaci M. (2021). Experimental full wavefield reconstruction and band diagram analysis in a single-phase phononic plate with internal resonators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 48, 101405.
Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A., Misseroni D., Pugno N.M, and Movchan A.B. (2021). Multi-physics of dynamic elastic metamaterials and earthquake systems, Frontiers in Materials, 7, 620701.
Schütt F., Rasch F., Deka N., Reimers A., Saure L.M., Kaps S., Rank J., Carstensen J., Mishra Y.K., Misseroni D., Vázquez A.R., Lohe M.R., Nia A.S., Pugno N.M., Feng X., Adelung R. (2021). Electrically powered reversible air explosions using microtubular graphene assemblies, Materials Today, 48, 7-17.
Pugno M.C., Misseroni D., and Pugno N.M. (2021). Air-encapsulating elastic mechanism of submerged Taraxacum blowballs, Materials Today Bio, 9, 100095.
Misseroni D., E. Barbieri, and Pugno N.M. (2021). Extreme deformations of the cantilever Euler Elastica under transverse aerodynamic load, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 42, 101110.
Bacigalupo A., De Bellis M.L., and Misseroni D. (2020). Design of tunable acoustic metamaterials with periodic piezoelectric microstructure, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 40, 100977.
Bigoni D., and Misseroni D. (2020). Structures loaded with a force acting along a fixed straight line, or the “Reut’s column problem”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 134, 103741.
Cazzolli A., Misseroni D., and Dal Corso F. (2020). Elastica catastrophe machines, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 136, 103735.
Bigoni D., Cavuoto R., Misseroni D., Paggi M., Ruffini A., Sprio S., and Tampieri A. (2020). Ceramics with the signature of wood, Materials Today Bio, 5, 100032.
Sprio S., Panseri S., Montesi M., Dapporto M., Ruffini A., Dozio S.M., Cavuoto R., Misseroni D., Paggi M., Bigoni D., and Tampieri A. (2020). Hierarchical porosity inherited by natural sources affects the mechanical and biological behaviour of bone scaffolds, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(4), 1717-1727.
Cabras L., Brun M., and Misseroni D. (2019). Micro-structured medium with large isotropic negative thermal expansion, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475, 20190468.
Misseroni D., Movchan A., and Bigoni D. (2019). Omnidirectional flexural invisibility of multiple interacting voids in vibrating elastic plates, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475, 20190283.
Kudo A., Misseroni D., Wei Y., and Bosi F. (2019). Compressive response of non-slender octet carbon microlattices, Frontiers in Materials, 6:169. Invited contribution to the inaugural “Rising Stars” collection in Frontiers in Materials.
Armanini C., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D., and Bigoni D. (2019). Configurational forces and nonlinear structural dynamics, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 130, 82-100.
Bigoni D., Kirillov O.N., Misseroni D., Noselli G., and Tommasini M. (2018). Flutter and divergence instability in the Pflüger’s column: experimental evidence of the Ziegler’s destabilization paradox, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 116, 99-116.
Gei M. and Misseroni D. (2018). Experimental investigation of progressive instability and collapse of no-tension brickwork pillars, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 155, 81-88.
Bigoni D., Kirillov O.N., Misseroni D., Noselli G., and Tommasini M. (2018). Detecting singular weak-dissipation limit for flutter onset in reversible systems, Physical Review E, 97 (2), 023003.
Dal Corso F., Misseroni D., Pugno N.M., Movchan A.B, Movchan N.V., and Bigoni D. (2017). Serpentine locomotion through elastic energy release, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14, 20170055.
Armanini C., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D., and Bigoni D. (2017). From the elastica compass to the elastica catapult: an essay on the mechanics of soft robot arm, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20160870.
Bosi F., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., Neukirch S., and Bigoni D. (2016). Asymptotic self-restabilization of a continuous elastic structure, Physical Review E, 94 (6), 063005.
Misseroni D., Afferrante L., Carbone G., and Pugno N. (2016). Non-linear double-peeling: experimental vs. theoretical predictions, The Journal of Adhesion, 94, 46-57.
Tommasini M., Kirillov O.N., Misseroni D., and Bigoni D. (2016). The destabilizing effect of external damping: Singular flutter boundary for the Pflüger column with vanishing external dissipation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 91, 204-215.
Misseroni D., Colquitt D.J., Movchan A.B., Movchan N.V., and Jones I.S. (2016). Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate, Scientific Reports, 6, 23929.
Misseroni D. (2016). Experiments on fracture trajectories in ceramic samples with voids, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36, 2277-2281.
Penasa M, Argani L., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., Cova M., and Piccolroaz A. (2016). Computational modelling and experimental validation of industrial forming processes by cold pressing of aluminum silicate powder, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36, 2351-2362.
Argani L., Misseroni D., Piccolroaz A., Vinco Z., Capuani D., and Bigoni D. (2016). Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction: Part I Experiments and elastoplastic coupling, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36, 2159-2167.
Argani L., Misseroni D., Piccolroaz A., Capuani D., and Bigoni D. (2016). Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction: Part II: Micromechanical modelling, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36, 2169-2174.
Bosi F., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., and Bigoni D. (2015). Self-Encapsulation, or “dripping” of an elastic rod, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471, 2179.
Bosi F., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., and Bigoni D. (2015). Development of configurational forces during the injection of an elastic rod, Extreme mechanics letters, 4, 83-88.
Misseroni D., Noselli G., Zaccaria D., and Bigoni D. (2015). The deformation of an elastic rod with a clamp sliding along a smooth and curved profile, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 69-70, 491-497.
Misseroni D., Movchan A.B., Movchan N.V., and Bigoni D. (2015). Experimental and analytical insights on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 63, 219-225.
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Bosi F., and Misseroni D. (2015). Eshelby-like forces acting on elastic structures: theoretical and experimental proof, Mechanics of Materials, 80, 368-374.
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D., and Bosi F. (2014). Torsional locomotion, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470, 20140599.
Bosi F., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., and Bigoni D. (2014). An elastica arm scale, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470, 20140232.
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Bosi F., and Misseroni D. (2014). Instability of a penetrating blade, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 64, 411-425.
Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., Shahzad S., and Bigoni D. (2014). Stress concentration near stiff inclusions: validation of rigid inclusion model and boundary layers by means of photoelasticity, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 121-122, 87-97.
Bigoni D., Misseroni D., Noselli G., and Zaccaria D. (2012). Effects of the constraint’s curvature on structural instability: tensile buckling and multiple bifurcations, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 468 (2144), 2191-2209.
Zaccaria D., Bigoni D., Noselli G., and Misseroni D. (2011). Structures buckling under tensile dead load, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 467 (2130), 1687-1700.
Teaching articles
Bigoni F., Bigoni D, Misseroni D., and Wang D. (2016). Megalithic stone beam bridges of ancient China reach the limits of strength, thus disprove size effect in granite, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26, 167-171.
Misseroni D., Bigoni D., and Dal Corso F. (2014). A model for teaching elastic frames, Journal of Materials Education, 36 (5-6), 169-174.
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D., and Tommasini M. (2012). A teaching model for truss structures, European Journal of Physics, 33, 1179-1186.
Invited contributions
Kudo A., Misseroni D., Wei Y., and Bosi F. (2019). Invited to contribute to the inaugural “Rising Stars” collection in Frontiers in Materials. Related article: Compressive response of non-slender octet carbon microlattices. Frontiers in Materials, 6:169.
Book chapters
Comitti A., Vijayakumaran H., Nejabatmeimandi M. H., Seixas L., Cabello A., Misseroni D., Penasa M., Peach C., Bessa M., Bown A.C., Dal Corso F., and Bosi F. (2024). Ultralight membrane structures toward a sustainable environment. In: ‘Sustainable Structures and Buildings,’ 2024, pp. 17–37, Springer.
Bigoni D., Bosi F., Dal Corso F., and Misseroni D. (2022). Configurational Forces on Elastic Structures. In: ’50+ Years of AIMETA: A Journey through Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Italy’, Springer.
Bigoni D., Bosi F., Misseroni D., Dal Corso F., and Noselli G.(2015). New phenomena in nonlinear elastic structures: from tensile buckling to configurational forces. In: ‘CISM Lecture Notes No. 562 “Extremely Deformable Structures” (Ch. 2)’, edited by: D. Bigoni, Springer.
Bigoni D., Misseroni D., Noselli G., and Zaccaria D. (2013). Surprising instabilities of simple elastic structures. In: ‘Nonlinear physical systems – Spectral analysis, stability and bifurcation’, edited by: Kirillov, O.N. and Pelinovsky, D.E., Wiley-ISTE, London.
Conference proceedings
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Piccolroaz, A., Misseroni, D., Noselli, G. (2023). Flutter instability in elastic structures, In: Materials Research Proceedings 37, pp. 345-348.
Bacigalupo A., De Bellis M.L., Gnecco G., and Misseroni D. (2021). Wave propagation control in active acoustic metamaterials, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing.
Misseroni D. (2017). Experimental proof for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate, ’21st International Conference on Composite Materials – ICCM21′, Xi’an (China), August 20-25.
Bigoni D., Kirillov O., Misseroni D., Tommasini M., and Noselli G. (2016). Experiments on the Pflüger column: flutter from friction, ‘Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application’, Tokyo (Japan), May 15-17.
Misseroni D., Bigoni D. Movchan A.B., and Movchan N. V. (2014). Experiments on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids, ‘Proceedings of the International CAE Conferenze’, Pacengo del Garda, (Italy), October 27-28.
Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., Noselli G., Misseroni D., and Shahzad, S. (2014). Rigid inclusions: stress singularity, inclusion neutrality and shear bands, ‘Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear’, Kitakyushu (Japan), September 1-3.
Ph.D. thesis
Misseroni D. (2013). Experimental models of elastic structures: tensile buckling and Eshelby-like forces. Advisor: Prof. Davide Bigoni. XXVI cycle of Engineering of Civil and Mechanical Structural Systems, University of Trento, Trento (Italy).